UC Liberal Arts Program

The UC Liberal Arts program at UCU will start later this month. The workshops are open to all UC teachers in the Netherlands.


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Further information about the content and goals of these workshops and about how to register can be found in this document: Brochure UC Liberal Arts 2015-2016

An extensive  description of each workshop can be found by following these links:

September 29, Evoking Excellence, Rob van der Vaart

October 27, Teacher as Advisor, Jocelyn Ballantyne and Christel Lutz

November 10, Leading Discussions, Floris van der Burg and Gaetano Fiorin

December 8, Motivation in the Liberal Arts, Christel Lutz and Jan van Tartwijk

February 16, Teaching across a Language Divide, Annemieke Meijer

March 8, Interdisciplinary Teaching, Ria van der Lecq

March 29, The International Classroom, Lonia Jakubowska

April 29, Liberal Arts Ideals and Curriculum, fellows

Seminar “Education for Global Citizenship” May 19th, UCR

The ‘Going Glocal’ program brings together people from different parts of the world and raises challenges about global citizenship. For 3 years, the program has been a transforma- tive learning experience for the university and the youth involved. We are pleased to organ- ize this symposium to share our commitment to strengthening global citizenship.


UCR’s Residential Seminar “Excellent Learning Through Teaching Excellence”

Please find enclosed a flyer for UCR’s Residential Seminar “Excellent Learning Through Teaching Excellence”, June 22nd through 25th.


Excellent Learning Through Teaching Excellence

The Excellent Learning through Teaching Excellence seminar is looking for motivated and experienced teachers. We call for lecturers who are willing and able to spread the knowledge gained during the seminar among their colleagues. Those senior instructors who strive for excellence are invited to participate in the four-day intensive summer program. All courses are designed to inspire, motivate and teach new skills enabling teachers to get the best out of themselves and their students.